Reiki Ideals… Just for Today I will not Anger

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Reiki Ideals - Just for Today...

I will not anger. This is not about stuffing it away, subduing the emotion and pretending it doesn't exist. This is about self-awareness and responding to self and life opposed to reacting. Anger is a normal, natural response when we have a triggering thought, that then creates an emotion in turn fueling a feeling. It is a flow of responses to your internal world, just like joy, happiness, sadness, anxiety. How do we move through accepting anger and using this as fuel to take action in life instead of reacting? Catch yourself in the moment, this takes practice, catch yourself and breathe, a long inhale through your nose, hold for one… two… and exhale through your mouth. Now again, in through your nose, holding for one… two… and exhale. Now one more time…inhale…hold…exhale. Where is your anger coming from? Pause, reflect as to the source - is your anger in response to thoughts and belief systems that you have held about how the external world should behave? Is the anger welling up inside from a place of frustration at your own behaviours? Maybe it is just there and you cannot pinpoint why…inhale…hold…exhale. Do you notice a state shift in your body? In your mind even with a few long, slow breaths? Can you imagine what the possibilities are if we were all to take a pause? Breathing, something so simple, something so essential to living and we have this available to us every moment of every day.


Reiki Ideals - Just for Today… I will not Anger Part II