Reiki Ideals - Just for Today… I will not Anger Part II

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

Just for Today…

Anger and frustration can become intertwined and become a state of being. I've been there and it can take up a lot of space. When we look at frustration one thing I have found is that it typically stems from an unmet expectation. This can be an expectation of self, of others or circumstances out side of your control. Reflect on the times you have been frustrated... what is underlying the frustration? Something does not work as you expected... did you have all of the information you needed? Were assumptions made as to what the end result experience would be like? If you experience frustration, perhaps re-evaluate what your expectations are in those moments. At times these can seem to be automatic responses to an external stimulus and if we take a step back, we can be a witness to our experiences and see where we may need to communicate with further clarity, re-set expectations based on the information available at the time. Then you choose to hang onto the frustration because it serves a purpose for you or let it go - feel the feeling in your body, breathe deep, exhale and carry on. Either way you choose, you got this!


Reiki Ideals… Finding your inner compass


Reiki Ideals… Just for Today I will not Anger