Reiki Ideals- Just for Today… I will be kind to my Neighbour & All Living Beings

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Anyone else finding this easier as we go in and out of lockdowns & face new restrictions around every corner? Kindness goes a long way, not just being nice for the sake of being nice, but a heartfelt generosity that can be felt by the people around you. Kindness can show up in many ways and when we can see the other for who they are (on a quantum level beautiful little balls of pure potential and light) it becomes a wonder to interact with those around us. Cheers to making our every day that much more beautiful!

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it’s beauty.”

– Albert Einstein


It is Time to Live Your Magic


Reiki Ideals - Just for Today… I will do my Work Honestly