• Introduction To Wellness

    Discover a powerful 4-week series that combines wellness practices to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being while enhancing teamwork, communication, job satisfaction, and productivity.

  • Pathway to Resiliency

    In this 4-week series, discover the pathway to greater resiliency in the workplace to overcome challenges and setbacks with grace, maintain a positive mindset, and foster a culture of resilience that inspires your team to achieve their full potential. Unlock the power of resiliency and propel your organization to new heights. Coming Soon!

  • Wellness in Leadership

    Embracing your authentic self as a leader can lead to increased performance, productivity, and innovation within your organization while fostering a positive work culture that values diversity, inclusivity, and open communication. Become an authentic leader who inspires trust, respect, and followership, and experience greater personal fulfillment and satisfaction in your role in this 6-month coaching and training evolution of how we step forward as leaders.

Introduction to Wellness Series

The Introduction to wellness series is a 4-week training program to bring a focus on well-being into the workplace and promote greater physical, emotional, and mental wellness, enhance teamwork and communication and improve job satisfaction and productivity.

Week 1 Mindfulness, Self-Awareness

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing your attention to the present moment without judgment. It can be used to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and increase emotional regulation. When practiced as a group, mindfulness can promote a sense of community and encourage empathy, understanding, and compassion towards others. Mindfulness can also improve communication skills and help team members to stay focused and engaged in their work.

Week 2 Qi Gong / Embodiment

Qi Gong is a form of gentle exercise that incorporates breathing techniques, gentle movements, and meditation. It has been shown to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and boost overall physical health. When practiced as a group, Qi Gong can promote a sense of community and encourage teamwork. It can also help team members to develop greater focus, concentration, and emotional regulation.

Week 3 Breathwork / Regulating the Nervous System

Breathwork involves various techniques designed to enhance the function of the respiratory system and support overall well-being. It can help team members to develop greater awareness of their breath and how it affects their body and mind. This increased awareness can improve overall health, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase focus and productivity. When practiced as a group, breathwork can also create a sense of connection and promote teamwork.

Week 4 Drum Circle / Creating Coherence in a Team

The team is provided with tools to support themselves as individuals and create a more effective team by learning how to reconnect with the body, in the present moment.

By reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and increasing focus and concentration, employees can become more productive and engaged in their work. Additionally, team-building exercises like drum circles can create a stronger sense of community and cooperation among team members, leading to a more positive work environment and better business outcomes.

Wellness in Leadership

This 6-month group coaching and training program is designed to focus on 6 core pillars that serve as the foundations of the human experience. By engaging with these pillars, participants can gain a greater understanding of who they are and who they are meant to be, leading to a state of thriving and genuine self-expression in the pursuit of their goals.

This program guides each individual to unleash their full potential empowering them to release self-doubt and limiting beliefs, enabling them to step into their authentic self without being weighed down by past experiences, anxious thinking and overwhelm. This program guides each individual toward greater self-awareness, helping them overcome barriers that prevent them from reaching their full potential.

Why is this important?

  • When we become more self-aware and gain a better understanding of our strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs, this allows us to lead with authenticity and purpose, inspiring others to follow our lead.

  • This can lead to more meaningful relationships with those around you, including your team members and colleagues.

  • When we are not afraid to express ourselves, we are more likely to take risks and explore new ideas. This can lead to increased creativity and innovation, which can help your team or organization stay ahead of the curve.

  • When we lead with authenticity, we are more likely to inspire trust and respect from those around us. This can lead to improved performance and productivity, as team members are more motivated to follow our lead and achieve their goals.

  • Embracing our authenticity in leadership can lead to greater fulfillment and satisfaction in our work. When we are true to ourselves and our values, we are more likely to find meaning and purpose in what we do, which can lead to greater happiness and success in our careers.

Once a month, the intimate group gathers to focus on the 6 core pillars. Through these sessions, the members gain a deeper understanding of where they may be limiting their potential for growth, passion, and fulfillment both in their personal lives and in the workplace. This program includes weekly personal coaching for each participant to incorporate the goals identified from each group session.

The end game with this blended coaching and training program is for each individual to embrace their genuine self in leadership, to become an authentic leader who inspires trust, respect, and followership. This can lead to increased performance, productivity, and innovation within the organization, as well as greater personal fulfillment and satisfaction. It can also foster a positive work culture that values diversity, inclusivity, and open communication, creating a sense of belonging and purpose for all team members.

Let’s Start



Calgary Alberta