Wellness in the Community & Workplace

Welcome to Energy Den! Our wellness programs empower your team to prioritize their physical, emotional, and mental health while fostering a culture of collaboration. We curate training, coaching, and workshops that support healthy habits and increase productivity, reduce stress, and strengthen resiliency. Our team-based wellness activities bring employees together in exciting ways.

We offer group movement classes, mindfulness exercises, and transformational coaching to promote overall well-being. There are workshop opportunities to bring wellness to your team, as well as long-term wellness programming. Our long-term programming personalized approach ensures every employee participating receives the support they need to reach their full potential.

Investing in a wellness program demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and creates a positive work environment that values team members.

Join us on the journey to a healthier, more productive workforce. Discover how our wellness programs can prioritize well-being and foster a positive culture. Contact us today to learn more or click the links below!

Why is Wellness important?

Wellness programs promote a sense of community, foster teamwork and collaboration, and enhance overall productivity.

By participating in wellness activities as a team, employees can bond over shared experiences and develop stronger relationships, which can improve communication and boost morale.

Encouraging healthy habits and self-care practices can also improve physical and mental health, reducing absenteeism and presenteeism, and increasing productivity.

Wellness programs demonstrate a company's commitment to employee well-being, which can help attract and retain top talent.

Investing in wellness programs can create a more positive and productive work environment while enhancing the well-being of individual employees.

Hi, I’m Allison

I specialize in the creation and facilitation of holistic wellness workshops & training to support employee well-being, addressing their mental, emotional, and physical health needs. My focus is on helping organizations create a supportive and healthy workplace culture that fosters employee engagement, productivity, and overall wellness.

Click the link below to contact me today and we can begin the conversation about what you need!

5 Signs You May Need Some Wellness in the Workplace:

  1. High Levels of Stress and Burnout: If your employees are constantly feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and burned out, it's a clear indication that they may benefit from a wellness program. By providing tools and resources to help employees manage stress and build resilience, you can create a more positive work environment that supports mental and emotional well-being.

  2. Low Morale and Engagement: Disengaged employees can have a negative impact on your company's bottom line. A wellness program can help boost morale and engagement by providing opportunities for employees to connect with one another, bond over shared experiences, and feel supported in their pursuit of better health.

  3. High Turnover Rates: Employee turnover can be costly for businesses, both in terms of time and resources. Offering a wellness program can help improve employee retention by creating a positive work culture that values and supports employee well-being.

  4. High Absenteeism and Presenteeism: If your employees are frequently absent or coming into work when they're not feeling their best, it can lead to decreased productivity and increased health care costs. A wellness program can help reduce absenteeism and presenteeism by promoting healthy habits and providing resources to support employee health.

  5. Lack of Work-Life Balance: In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging for employees to find a healthy balance between work and personal life. A wellness program can provide tools and resources to help employees prioritize their health and well-being, which can lead to increased job satisfaction, improved performance, and better work-life balance.