Energy Den Presents:

Soul Fest Retreats

Women’s Bodies & Sacred Sensuality

Who we are

Soul Fest Retreats: Who We Are

We are a handful of local healers uniting under one roof to ensure that through collaboration no mother gets left behind!

Our areas of specialty run from energy healing to yoga, meditation to coaching, and everything in between. Whether your goal is to find a sense of sanctuary or find more of your true essence, we will be there to assist using our unique gifts and modalities.

Energy Den

Allison Taylor

Workshop Facilitators

Healing Sessions

Soul Fest Retreats are a celebration of everything that we are.

It is a community that fosters collaboration, with the belief that there is an abundance of opportunity for all. We support and empower small businesses led by women in the complementary healing industry to showcase themselves in a supportive, enriching environment.

We are a collective of healers who have a passion for serving their communities in the ways that the healers shine.

Soul Fest Retreats is here to support our community through bringing forward workshops, classes and one:one healing sessions to inspire attendees to:

  • Create a deeper connection to ones-self and prioritize their needs

  • Embrace self and embody the freedom to be authentic

  • Learn tools to take home and incorporate into their daily lives creating deeper, more fulfilling connections.

The intention of Soul Fest Retreats is about cultivating a culture of learning, sharing wisdom and curiosity about the world within and without while bridging conventional healing methods with complementary methodologies.